Kevin has recently completed a 25 year career with the New York City Police Department where he retired as a Chief in the Detective Bureau. He served in all five boroughs of the City in numerous uniform/investigative assignments throughout his career.
Designated as the Commanding Officer of the 46th Precinct, he helped the department achieve an unprecedented reduction in index related crimes. His command was twice chosen for the coveted Unit Citation. He would go on to serve as the Operations Commander in the Patrol Borough Bronx command. In this role, Kevin served as the agency executive to help coordinate multi-agency resources for Papal and Presidential visits. Kevin was part of the executive staff that implemented the NYPD’s Gang/Crew initiative to address gun related violence in the Bronx.
Upon finishing in 2013 with a historically low number of gun related assaults, he was chosen to head the Detective Bureau’s Grand Larceny Division. Kevin was in command of 265 Supervisors and Detectives who were responsible for identifying and tracking high value offenders. The unit was tasked with investigating organized groups that would engage in complex fraudulent schemes. The Division included a Joint NYPD/F.B.I Cyber Financial Task Forces who would aggressively pursue sophisticated criminal enterprises. Additionally, the Division conducted numerous joint investigations with the Internal Revenue Services and the Department of Homeland Security. He also commanded the department’s Financial Crimes Task Force with numerous units: Identity Theft Squad, Document Frauds Unit, Special Frauds Squad, and the Organized Theft Squad.
Kevin holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree from Seton Hall University. He has attended numerous law enforcement centric training programs through various agencies. While garnering significant accomplishments in law enforcement, Kevin has collected over 100 clergy, political and community based awards from the myriad of communities throughout New York City.